Hoist spare parts

Operating Time Calculator

Calculator for determining the actual operating time of JDN Standard Hoists

Choose hoist type:

JDN Hoists built before 1982 are not covered. Please contact us, if required.

Operating Time: After 1st initial operation or after 1st general overhaul
Operating Time: After 2nd general overhaul

Enter average daily operating time and days of operation:

collective load factor average daily operating time days of operation
L1 (light)
L2 (middle)
L3 (heavy)
L4 (highly heavy)
Partial operative use:
Remaining theoretical use: After 1st initial operation or after 1st general overhaul at same operating mode
Remaining theoretical use: After 2nd general overhaul

Important note: When using the hoist in accordance with the classification a general overhaul must be performed respectively at least after 10 years.


Instructions “Actual operating time”

The decisive factors for the type of operation are the collective loads with different cubic averages k.
The collective load indicates to what degree a driving mechanism, or a part of one, is subjected to its maximum stress or only to smaller stresses. The cubic average (factor of the load spectrum) is calculated using the following formula.

The cubic average factor of the load spectrum



The FEM * 9.511 rule differentiates between four collective loads, which are identified by the definitions and by the ranges of the cubic averages k. This classification complies with ISO 4301/1.

*FEM = Federation Europeene de la Manutention (European Federation of Materials Handling and Storage Equipment)

The formula given for the cubic average k does not take the weight of the harness into account. This is permissible if the ratio

Weight of harness / Load-bearing capacity

To determine the type of operation for calculating the partial operative load diagrams can also be used.

Collective load Definition Cubic average Collective load factor
1 (low) L1 Driving mechanisms or parts thereof, which are only subject to the maximum stress in exceptional circumstances, and are only subject to very low stresses continuously. k ≤0,50 km = k3 = 0,125
2 (average) L2 Driving mechanisms or parts thereof, which are only subject to the maximum stress often, and are only subject to low stresses continuously. 0,50 < k ≤ 0,63 km = k3 = 0,25
3 (high) L3 Driving mechanisms or parts thereof, which are only subject to the maximum stress often, and are subject to average stresses continuously. 0,63 < k ≤ 0,80 km = k3 = 0,5
4 (very high) L4 Driving mechanisms or parts thereof, which are only subject to the maximum stress of adjacent stresses regularly. 0,80 < k ≤ 1,00 km = k3 = 1
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